The Revenant of Jonathan Harker (2023)

5:59 minutes

3D environment and animation created using Unity Game Engine and Autodesk Maya; synthesizer soundtrack performed, recorded, and edited by the artist using Adobe Audition; assets composited and edited with Adobe Premiere Pro

Letter for Lara (2014)

5:21 minutes

machinema created using Elgato Video Game Game Capture of Square Enix’s “Tomb Raider” (2013); voice over soundtrack written, performed, and recorded by the artist; assets composited and edited with Adobe Premiere Pro

In Your Way (2014)

2:55 minutes

video content performed by the artist; appropriated soundtrack from Dolly Parton’s “I Will Always Love You” (1973); assets composited and edited with Adobe Premiere Pro

5-Minute Lone Ranger (2013)

5:00 minutes

video content appropriated from a playback recording of “The Lone Ranger” (1949-1957) on a portable television; sound edited with Paul’s Extreme Sound Stretch and Adobe Audition; assets composited and edited with Adobe Premiere Pro

If a man loses pride in manhood, he is nothing; he is better off dead (2013)

36 film stills from “McClintock!” (1963) and 9 digital photographs of the artist imitating John Wayne’s emasculation throughout the film

8x10 inches each, arrangements vary